
who is Blankspace Poster Co.?

G'day, I'm Liam Murray, the primary illustrator and founder of Blankspace Poster Co. 

Okay look, I would really love to tell you a riveting and compelling story of how Blankspace Poster Co. came to began.  But mate, I won't kid you, Blankspace Poster Co. is effectively the outcome of a 'swiss cheese' scenario, involving:

  • A lazy Sunday afternoon in February 2021;
  • A hangover;
  • The desire to what to do something new;
  • An expensive iPad with illustration software that wasn't being used to its full potential; and
  • An exploration of that creativity I locked away all those years ago whilst pursuing a career (you know, the one's they tell you about at school).

And, what started as a way to exploring my creativity has since led to 500+ sales and commissions (and counting) in prints since its inception.

Whether its a game of footy, the admiration of a bin chicken surviving on scraps from the wheelie bin or the fury of a magpie on what you thought would be a relaxing ride through the park, I seek to capture those special 'Aussie' moments and showcase Australia's favourite foods, places and past times.

As hand-drawn illustrations with a minimalist style, the prints are a welcome addition to any 'blankspace'.

Although currently limited to offering high quality print illustrations in digital format, for self-printing or enlisting the services of your friendly neighbourhood printer, I am hoping to expand the range soon!